Did we ever imagine we would be in a lifestyle as we currently are? One of the
best recommendations to help fight against COVID-19 is to build our immune
systems. So . . . get good rest, eat lots of fruits and vegetables plus good quality
protein, limit sweets . . . and . . . EXERCISE. Choose something you will do! A
couple of my favorites:
Yoga is pretty all-encompassing. Yoga strengthens muscles, increases flexibility,
reduces stress and anxiety, and encourages better sleep. One of the reasons I love
yoga is learning to breathe deeply. When you breathe from the belly and expand
your lungs it allows more oxygen into your blood stream—which feeds the body
and the brain. Working your way through yoga poses actually massages your
internal organs. Why is that important? to keep your body functioning more
Now if you choose Dancing (my favorite) as one of your forms of exercise,
Ballroom dance can decrease blood pressure and cholesterol, improve
cardiovascular health, strengthen weight-bearing bones, help prevent or slow
bone loss related to osteoporosis, lower the risks of obesity and Type 2 Diabetes,
and promote increased lung capacity.
Depending on the type of dancing you do, you will most likely gain or maintain
flexibility, build better balance, thus preventing falls, and, if you dance fast
enough to elevate your heart rate to a certain level, you will be getting a good
aerobic/cardio workout. Also, you will burn up to 600 calories (I'm just estimating
here), so you will probably lose some fat. I have had students lose from 50-120
pounds after 6 months of dancing. I have also had students overcome depression
and anxiety. Dancing is all-encompassing—it is a fun activity that sharpens the
mind, increases aerobic power and strength, builds social bonds, and can reduce
pain and stiffness.
So, let’s build our immune systems to not only fight COVID-19, but other illnesses
as well. Eat nutritiously, rest well, laugh a lot, and choose exercise that you enjoy
and will do and that accomplishes the above benefits! Check our yoga and dance
schedule for classes: susansballroomdance.com